Gunnarstorp Death's Landscape
Dumping some more pics here on my poor blog.
The stone chamber in the hilltop cairn at Gunnarstorp. I'm going inside!

Hello? Viking Skelly? *Echo*... Rock burials and monuments, "Stonehenges", date back as far as the bronze age. The rocks are often arranged in a circle, triangle, rectangle, or a pile that is meant to resemble a ship or boat. The "magic numbers" 7, 9, and 13 are repeated in several of these monuments (and in similar landmarks around the world).
Some pics from my trip to Østfold, Norway. Another trip: Scenic Railway Ride in the Fjords and Mountains
The stone chamber in the hilltop cairn at Gunnarstorp. I'm going inside!

Hello? Viking Skelly? *Echo*... Rock burials and monuments, "Stonehenges", date back as far as the bronze age. The rocks are often arranged in a circle, triangle, rectangle, or a pile that is meant to resemble a ship or boat. The "magic numbers" 7, 9, and 13 are repeated in several of these monuments (and in similar landmarks around the world).
"Gunnarstorp : Death's Landscape - Two thousand years ago this hillside must have been a spectacular monument to death. In the valley the fjord gleamed, the top of the hill was crowned by the majestic cairn from Early Bronze Age, along the whole hillside were.." more

"Bronze Age cairns- guardians of sea and land: Many of the hills and beaches of our Bronze Age coastal landscape are crowned by huge burial monuments. Lunderamsa on Krakeroy, Herfolrosset, and Langrosset where land meets sea on Hvaler. " more
Some pics from my trip to Østfold, Norway. Another trip: Scenic Railway Ride in the Fjords and Mountains
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