Om Vibrations & Spectrums

Do you ever hear the Om in an electric current or from another vibration?
Om is the original and common 'sound' for the electromagnetic spectrum. It's the common between every wave that travels like a snake. Things of 'natural' origin can be recognised by (hearing) it or by the ripples it left as it travelled or collided. 
Top: A mechanical wave that reverberating from a natural wave.  

A natural wave is many waves working together, while a mechanical wave is not always the case.  Electronics can get scrambled easier by some other waves, and so can every other form of matter.
If ⚡️or cosmic rays hits a computer or creature with the wrong magnitude, something like that happens. It's usually only when the mechanical one tries to do something impossible that things go wrong.

Om Chanting at 396Hz? Some people like to play om sounds. It's still a mechanical Om reverberations doing the chanting for you.

When the waves coil 
Such as Earth's magnetic field creating barriers to block things that the atmosphere can not.
The Sun has magnetic fieldds also, the Heliosphere stretches out to the end of our solar system beyond the planets.

The Metaphysics of The Om - Electric Naga, and others

The Medical symbol representing how 'medicine is entwined with the serpent(s). Mankind using venoms and deadly chemicals from nature to heal themselves or achieve immortality. You could say the snake has saved humans many times.
While some gods and stories claim they defeated the Naga,
mystics speak of different Naga that lived on Earth, and some may know of a few more examples of how they are still around or entwined with nature and the sciences. What's the relationship between the naga and other... naga - gods, living things, energies?
You can imagine the magnetic field as Jörmungandr the world serpent, Leviathan if you want. Or maybe they are many Naga working together. The scope is still too big to see if they are doing something 'intelligent'. They say the naga is more intelligent than the gods and living things,
hence the serpent is wrapped around Shiva's neck.

963Hz + 852Hz + 639Hz ? - Like standing in a quazar or something... (Blazar Om)

But not really. If you heard every Ohm that travels through the body just from the sun, from nature, other cosmic rays and vibrations, it would be too distracting and probably end bad, like staring at the sun. But it's always there in the background & radiation. I guess when you get used to hearing different frequencies and ohm tuned to melodies you could get attuned to hearing more of it in nature.

Electric Om Naga is mostly just something I made up, but I'd say there is no evidence that the Naga is Not living on the sun as well.
The ▶coiling and swimming electric waves that live on the sun, the serpent wrapped around Om Surya.
Maybe the star needs it to direct the energies to the right planet, in the right direction, and guide evolution. Coiling is a defensive posture and also used to blast high amounts of energy in a direction. Either because the star itself can not, or doesn't care to deal with such things, or the naga is more intelligent, but that's relative, considering the planet is still a "Chaos planet" where most things are ephemeral and many things live and die horribly, and it always has been like that.

Maybe the Naga is just charging itself here in the system, and the life on Earth is its offspring.
How was the Om Naga summoned? Was it born inside of the sun or did the sun always have it. If a star itself chants Om at many spectrums at once maybe the Om naga might see it as a perfect abode. 

The Fermi Paradox & No life found on other planets.
Maybe to look for life on other planets we have to look for the traces of the Naga, and which solar systems have been visited. The traces could look something like the network of Gamma Ray Bursts (Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall) -  naga coiling through space . If the naga living in stars have control over the planets, the electromagnetic spectrum etc, this could mean they can block any signal they want. Maybe even paint the picture how they want it to appear when people look into space, if given enough time and energy.
Or ▶wrap earth in an aurora bubble to block something from coming in.

Image credits P. D. Wallace


Random Quote From my Bookshelf

"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."— Douglas Adams

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