An A.I Content Tsunami Is Coming!

When A.I Becomes The Content Creator - It's already happening.
Many would say Art and Creativity is humanity's advantage over A.I.That has been true so far but might become less relevant. We've seen some interesting art created by A.I like Google Deep Dream, and the Art & A.I project at Rutgers, although these types of A.I still needs some human input for reference.
Learning algorithms of the future might become more powerful and trained to create 'content that is likely to go trending'. I predict it will start with images and written articles.
There are already content writing bots being used by major publications! At Washington Posts they have their in-house bot called Heliograph which supplements their writers. It can update articles with new data, and post to social media. At Forbes they use Quill, a content writing software available for rent from Narrative Science, so you might have already seen content made by A.I many places. They are just not very good at writing creative articles, yet.
For small bloggers etc. the content tsunami might be pretty bad. Imagine all the news and events have been covered by A.I drones who were first on the scene.
And they've created 100,000 memes already in the morning so there's nothing left to do.
The search engine A.I might train to look for man-made posts. While the content A.I trains to look more human.
AiAngel (pictured above) is not really an A.I. As you can see it's a nicely rigged 3D character animated live with a human voice on the microphone. I think it's the same person doing the recording and puppeteering. She live chats with stunned users online, and plays video games streaming to Twitch and YouTube; often equipped with new functions thanks to Patreon supporters.
I don't think it will take too long before we have actual artificial intelligent live streamers, and other online A.I personalities. Virtual News Anchors for example is already a thing in China. We have seen AI beating humans at games since the first chess bots, and we've seen OpenAI beating DOTA champions,.
Soon A.I learns to talk smack and getting on people's nerves as well.
"Science isn't about why, it's about why not!" - Cave Johnson
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