Blogger Vs. Wordpress Free Version

Comparing the page speed of two free themes, blogger is faster and Adfree, even after I have added several things to and customized the theme.
I think I'm sticking with Blogger because there's no premium version necessary to get rid of ads or trackers.
And I'm just used to Blogger now and have learned to make/edit themes.

Free version of Wordpress - too many ads and trackers

No Ads Or Trackers in Blogger

I used the Brave Browser to compare the shield notifications on both of the blogs.
I think most of the wordpress trackers are actually from social button plugin that came with the theme. 

My Wordpress post:
Blogger always had several free themes but they were just not mobile friendly. Or they had separate mobile themes which looked horrible. It’s was still possible to clear out everything and make your own theme. And moving widgets around easily was something wordpress didn’t have.
I’m still not sure what the big fuss with wordpress is anyway. But I do think Google hates their own Blogger/Blogspot platform and will rank them [posts] badly or quickly remove some articles from search results because the theme was messed up or something was not mobile friendly.
Now the more recent Blogger themes are mobile friendly although I haven’t been able to test them on all types of devices yet.
Read the rest of my review on Wordpress.  But make sure you are browsing safely with the Brave Browser.


Random Quote From my Bookshelf

"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."— Douglas Adams

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