We Still Know Little About The Corona Virus

Medical science has become too much about politics and capitalism.
Besides the great work by frontline workers it looked like catastrophic failure many places.

World leaders and health organizations lying about numbers. People using the pandemic to capitalize. YouTubers spewing nonsense and claiming they cured everyone with their method. "I have Covid patients right now who are just fine".
Nobody knows if he actually had patients or if they are even alive.

Nobody knows how many different medicines were tried worldwide, anywhere?
Certainly lots of insurance payouts. And we hear of those who died from various symptoms.
If you go to the doctors right now for any similar symptom, you might get the hazmat suit plague doctor.
'Miasma All Over Again' ?

You might have no idea (nor do I) what they will give you or if it will work. Nor do we know why certain communities are affected more. But I won't call it Scamdemic or eugenic just yet.
It's most likely not conspiracy. We heard of the capitalist who sold their stock right before covid. Sure there's possible reasons for that too. I'm not a doctor but I'd recommend to keep in mind that hypochondria is a real thing, meaning you can make yourself feel sick, too.

Could Covid Be a Mass Panic Attack Triggering Hypochondria
Not everyone with the symptoms are tested so there is possibly some hypochondria going around.
Mass panic triggering the virus, idk what could cause that, cosmic rays?

👽 Should you stay out of the sun right now during Cosmic Ray Season?
Probably. Some scientists warned that there could be a higher chance of viruses during our current solar minimum.


Random Quote From my Bookshelf

"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."— Douglas Adams

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