Information Overload - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube

How am I ever going to read your post?
Something I thought about a bit more once I had added 1000 people on twitter.
Before I add someone back I have to be able to add them to one of my lists of interests.

Which includes music biz, photo-art-digital, acting, film and video production, social media, and more.

Twitter lists are pretty useful.
I need more lists as I have friends that are lawyers, comedians, psychologists, authors, etc. also.

More on information overload:

I did write more about information overload somewhere but it's not that important.
My favorite tool to deal with it is actually Gmail. I subscribe to all sorts of stuff and it is delivered daily and labeled.


Random Quote From my Bookshelf

"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."— Douglas Adams

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